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  2. Chiricozzi A, Nograles KE, Johnson-Huang LM, Fuentes-Duculan J, Cardinale I, Bonifacio KM, Gulati N, Mitsui H, Guttman-Yassky E, Suarez-Farinas M, Krueger JG. IL-17 Induces an Expanded Range of Downstream Genes in Reconstituted Human Epidermis Model. PLoS ONE, 2014 Feb; 9 (2), e90284
  3. Furuta J, Inozume T, Harada K, Shimada S. CD271 on Melanoma Cell Is an IFN-γ-Inducible Immunosuppressive Factor that Mediates Downregulation of Melanoma Antigens. J Invest Dermatol. 2014 134:1369-1377
  4. Matsuzawa T, Kawamura T, Ogawa Y, Maeda K, Nakata H, Moriishi K, Koyanagi Y, Gatanaga H, Shimada S, Mitsuya H. EFdA, a Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor, Potently Blocks HIV-1 Ex Vivo Infection of Langerhans Cells within Epithelium. J Invest Dermatol 2014 134:1158-1161
  5. Inozume T, Nakazawa R, Tanaka K, Harada K, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S. A case of oral mucosal fixed eruption caused by methacrylate. Contact Dermatitis, in press
  6. Ito T, Furukawa F, Iwatsuki K, Matsue H, Shimada S, Takigawa M, Tokura Y. Efficacious treatment of psoriasis with low-dose and intermittent cyclosporin microemulsion therapy. J Dermatol. 2014 Mar 15. 1346-8138.12455. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. Hamada T, Nakamura S, Ko YH, Yoshino T, Ohshima K, Matsuzawa T, Miura K, Takahashi T, Nomura H, Hoshino T, Suzuki D, Shimada S, Iwatsuki K. Epstein-Barr virus-associated T/natural killer-cell lymphomas in the elderly: The first consensus meeting in Kofu 2013. J Dermatol 2014 41:40-42
  8. Inozume T, Nakazawa R, Tanaka K, Harada K, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S. Case of primary cutaneous peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified, with characteristics of follicular helper T cells. The Journal of Dermatology. 41(6): in press.2014
  9. Shimizu T, Harada K, Akazawa S, Yamaguch M, Inozume T, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Momosawa A, Shimada S. Identification of the cause of severe skin infection by Fournier transform infrared spectroscopy: a case of Fournier's gangrene caused by fish bone. The Journal of Dermatology. 41(6):547-50.
  10. Takaki M, Inozume T, Matsuzawa T, Ando N, Yamaguchi M, Harada K, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S.Case of primary cutaneous peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified, with characteristics of follicular helper T cells. The Journal of Dermatology. 41(6):529-532
  11. Yamamoto S. Harada K. Ando N. Kawamura T. Shibagaki N. Tanaka M. Shimada S. Nodular melanoma on the hyponychium : Clinical and dermoscopic features. The Journal of Dermatology. 41(3):277-278
  12. Ogawa Y, Kawamura T, Matsuzawa T, Aoki R, Shimada S. Recruitment of plasmacytoid dendritic cells to skin regulates treatment responsiveness of actinic keratosis to imiquimod. The Journal of Dermatology Science. 76(1):67-69
  13. Kawamura T, Ogawa Y, Aoki R, Shimada S. Innate and intrinsic antiviral immunity in skin. The Journal of Dermatology Science. 75(3):159-166
  14. Alam MS, Gaida MM, Ogawa Y, Kolios AG, Lasitschka F, Ashwell JD. Counter-regulation of T cell effector function by differentially activated p38. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 211(6):1257-1270
  15. Matsuzawa T, Inozume T, Takaki M, Harada K, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S. Case of folliculotropic mycosis fungoides with prominent loss of T-cell antigens CD7 and CD26 in blood T cells. The Journal of Dermatology. 42(1):108-109
  16. Kawamura T, Ogawa Y, Aoki R, Shimada S .Innate and intrinsic antiviral immunity in skin. The Journal of Dermatology Science. 75(3):159-66


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