


  1. Ando N, Nakamura Y, Ishimaru K, Ogawa H, Okumura K, Shimada S, Nakao A. Allergen-specific basophil reactivity exhibits daily variations in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Allergy. 70(3):319-22.
  2. Matsuzawa M, Harada K, Hosomura N, Amemiya H, Ando N, Inozume T, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S. Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia after chemotherapy for metastatic melanoma. The Journal of Dermatology. 42(1):105-106.
  3. Matsuzawa T, Kawamura T, Ogawa Y, Maeda K, Nakata H, Moriishi K, Koyanagi Y, Gatanaga H, Shimada S, Mitsuya H. EFdA, a reverse transcriptase inhibitor, potently blocks HIV-1 ex vivo infection of Langerhans cells within epithelium. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 134(4):1158-1161.
  4. Ahmed Z, Kawamura T, Shinji Shimada, Piguet V. The role of human dendritic cells in HIV-1 infection, co-Infection and as targets for HIV-1 vaccine development.
    Journal of Investigative Dermatology. In press.135:1225-1233
  5. Harada K, Yamaguchi M, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S. A case of IgG4-related syndrome presenting with a fibroma molle-like nodule International Journal Dermatology. 54:163-165
  6. Matsuzawa M, Inozume T, Sano S, Ando N, Onuma T, Harada K, Kawamura T, Shimada S. A case of recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva successfully treated by combination therapy with cetuximab and paclitaxel.
    British Journal of Dermatology. 174(3):677-678
  7. Matsuzawa T, Inozume T, Takaki M, Harada K, Kawamura T, Shibagaki N, Shimada S.
    Case of folliculotropic mycosis fungoides with prominent loss of T-cell antigens CD7 and CD26 in blood T cells.
    J Dermatol. 2015 Jan;42(1):108-109.
  8. Ando N, Nakamura Y, Aoki R, Ishimaru K, Ogawa H, Okumura K, Shibata S, Shimada S, Nakao A.
    Circadian Gene Clock Regulates Psoriasis-Like Skin Infammation in Mice.
    Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 135(12):3001-3008
  9. Inozume T. Yaguchi T. Furuta J. Harada K. Kawakami Y. Shimada S.
    Melanoma Cell Control Anti-Melanoma CTL Responses via Interaction between TIGIT and CD155 in the Effector Phase.
    The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 136(1):255-263
  10. Ando N. Nakamura Y. Ishimaru K. Ogawa H. Okumura K. Shimada S. Nakao A.
    Allergen-specific basophil reactivity exhibits daily variations in seasonal allergic rhinitis.
    Allergy. 70(3):319-322


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