
掲載日:2019.3.28 お知らせ


【24th International Student Workshop Meeting.】



堀 哲夫理事・副学長(教学・国際交流担当)による開会挨拶の後、大学院生・研究者ら計9名が医学や工学など自らの専門分野に関する研究発表を行いました。留学生同士や分野を越えた研究者同士による活発な質疑応答が交わされるなど、有意義な発表会となりました。

 最後に、中尾篤人 医学域長が発表者に対して奨励賞と記念品を授与し、今後のさらなる研究活動に期待を寄せました。




【24th International Student Workshop Meeting.】


On March 7th, 2019, The 24th University of Yamanashi International Student Workshop was held at the Medical Campus.

This annual workshop aims at encouraging international students by recognizing their outstanding research achievements.

The workshop began with opening speech by Prof. Tetsuo Hori (Executive Director for Education and International Exchange), and 9 international students from the fields of medicine and engineering made presentation on their research topics. During the questions and answers, there were active discussions among participants from different fields and it was a valuable opportunity for the international students to seek a new idea and inspiration through discussing with the researchers across disciplines.

At the end of the workshop, award was given to each presenter by Prof. Atsuhito Nakao, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, for their excellent presentation and for encouraging them to continue in their efforts toward outstanding research achievements.


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