






学生は大学院医工農学総合教育部の理念及び統合応用生命科学専攻のカリキュラムポリシーに沿って学修し、各コースが設定した履修基準に基づき合計 14 単位以上を修得した上で、学位論文審査及び最終試験を受けます。論文審査委員会は、統合応用生命科学専攻の各コースが以下に掲げるディプロマポリシーに基づき、博士論文の内容と最終試験の結果を評価します。その結果、「合格」と判定された学生に博士の学位を授与します。


生命医科学コースの履修基準を満たし、微生物、動植物、及びヒトの生命現象を分子、細胞、組織、及び個体の各レベルで理解する生命科学の基盤を有し、医工農の3分野を俯瞰する視点と「健康」に関する課題に対応可能な見識を持ち、疫学や神経科学を中心にその周辺分野を含む高度な医科学の専門知識と技術を身につけ、学位論文の審査及び最終試験に合格した学生に「博士(生命医科学)」の学位を授与します。 ① 社会医学(疫学)、神経科学、病態医科学等の高度な専門知識と技術を修得するとともに、医学全般の広範な知識を修得している ② 専門知識と技術を応用し、健康の増進、疾病の予防・治療戦略を考えることができる実践力を有している ③ 医学、工学、農学、看護学等の多角的観点から医療に関わるさまざまな課題に対応できる能力を有している ④ 高度専門職業人あるいは研究者として必要なグローバルコミニュケーション能力を修得している

























Doctor’s Course

Department of Integrated Applied Life Science

Biomedical Science Course



The Department of Integrated Applied Life Science (Biomedical Science Course) provides education with cooperation by three courses; the Life Agriculture Course as an agricultural field that assumes life science as a common foundation for learning, the Biomedical Science Course as a medical field and the Biotechnology Course as an engineering field. Each of those courses considers “health” as a common keyword in order to nurture highly skilled professionals and researchers who have a comprehensive perspective to grasp three fields, medicine, engineering and agriculture; integrate and apply knowledge and technology from three fields to encourage innovation; discover multiple ways to solve problems related to “health” which has the most universal valuable to human beings; contribute to social development and the wellness of humanity.


Diploma Policy

The Department of Integrated Applied Life Science (Biomedical Science Course) confers Doctoral Degrees in Life Science to individuals who have met the criteria of taking the courses required within the Biomedical Science Course; acquired the basis of life science to understand life phenomenon of microorganism, flora and fauna and human beings by the each level of molecule, cell, tissue and individual; acquired expertise and skills in highly medical science that focus on mainly epidemiology, neuroscience and surrounding areas; passed both the thesis and the final examination.

1. Acquire the following “a” and “b” by studying this course: a. Expertise and skills in social medicine/epidemiology, neuroscience and pathology medical science b. A broad range of knowledge about the general medical science 2. Acquire practical skills to consider health promotion and prevention/treatment strategy for epidemic by applying expert knowledge and technology. 3. Acquire the ability to face various challenges associated with medical care from several points of view such as medical science, engineering, agriculture and science nursing. 4. Acquire the ability to have global communication which is required as highly skilled professionals and researchers.


Curriculum Policy

The Department of Integrated Applied Life Science (Biomedical Science Course) require “Selected Topics in Integrated Applied Life Science” and “Selected Topics in Health Science” from common courses as mandatory in such a way so that students are expected to learn the foundation of life science and in these three fields; medicine, engineering and agriculture. Students can take specialized courses for the Biotechnology Course and the Life Agriculture Course while they belong to the Biomedical Science Course, in which the department establishes a system for students to learn “life during the period of ontogenetic development”, “diet” and “nutrition science.” We set “health” as a keyword, and aim that students learn and acquire interdisciplinary knowledge of all medicine, engineering and agriculture. Regarding specialized courses, we collaborate with the Department of Nursing and Health Science that is with focus on the Doctor’s Course in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Nursing Science. We prepare common courses for “Medical Science and Science Nursing” as mandatory which require 2 credits. The common courses are set in order to enable students to acquire practical knowledge and analytics technology in the life science field through the courses from epidemiology and neuroscience such as “Selected Topics Ⅰ in Medical Data Analysis and Clinical Epidemiology” and “Selected Topics in Neuroscience Theory” in addition to general basic medical science, clinical medicine and the ones that set “health” as their theme. Thereby, we instruct those who acquire knowledge integrated with medicine, biotechnology and agriculture. They can address various health problems from several points of view.



Admission Policy

Educational Objectives

The Biomedical Science Course is based on life science, offering an understanding of the life phenomenon at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and individual level. We aim to develop highly specialized professionals and researchers capable of playing active roles in medical institutions by taking a panoramic view of the three fields of medicine, engineering, and agriculture,gaining insights into health-related issues, and by acquiring advanced expertise and technical skills in academic fields, with a focus on epidemiology and neuroscience.


Abilities and personality required

We seek individuals who are motivated to explore the pathogenesis and prevention/treatment strategies of diseases and who are willing to contribute to the promotion of people’s health in local communities and global society by expanding their knowledge and technical expertise in basic medicine, such as social medicine, pathological medical science, and neuroscience, with a multifaceted perspective in medicine, engineering, agriculture, and nursing that can be applied to various medical issues.


Basic Policy for Admission Selection by examination category

In order to evaluate applicants to determine if they possess the capabilities specifield in “Required Competencies and Personal Qualities” above, the selection process will be carried out as follows..

〈General Selection〉

Successful applicants will be identified on the basis of the results of a written examination (in English), an oral examination, and a screening of academic transcript from the graduate school of their graduating university.

〈Special selection for international students〉

Successful applicants will be identified in the basis of the results of a written examination (in English) or an external English test score, an oral examination, and a screening of academic transcript from the graduate school of their graduating university.



募集要項 – Application Requirements English

入試日程Test Schedule English

Web出願サイトOnline Application site English




    お名前 (必須)
    メールアドレス (必須)
