
Our research goal is to understand the pathophysiology of the classical Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), focusing on the role of microenvironment in MPN pathogenesis. We have revealed that physiological elements in bone marrow microenvironment i.e. oxygen levels, glucose availability and pH affect the development of MPN. We revealed that hypoxic conditions ( oxygen level of 1%) suppressed the growth of MPN cells containing oncogenic kinase, known as JAK2V617F mutant. We also cleared that AMPK, which acts as a sensor for intracellular glucose and ATP levels, could block the action of JAK2V617F through activation of protein tyrosine phosphatase PP2A. Together with these findings, we are trying to establish new therapeutic strategies for classical Philadelphia-negative MPN.
As for basic research, our main target of clinical work is the establishment of new therapeutic strategy for MPN. For this purpose, we have attended a number of multi-center international clinical trials for MPN.


Name Title・Positions Main Research Focus
Keita KIRITO Professor Role of microenvironment for MPN biology
Toru MITSUMORI  Seinior assistant Professor Role of microenvironment for MPN biology
Ichiro KAWASHIMA Assistant Professor Role of microenvironment for MPN biology
Yuki  SUEKI Assistant Professor MPN clinicla study
Saori OHOISHI Assistant Professor MPN clinicla study



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