Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopaedic surgery addresses and attempts to correct problems that arise in the skeleton and its attachments, the ligaments and tendons. It may also include some problems of the nervous system in the spine. These problems can occur at birth, through injury, genetic backgrounds, or as the result of aging. In the university hospital, we have several out-patient clinics of specialty such as Spine, Hand, Tumor, Rheumatology, Pediatrics, Arthroplasty and Rehabilitation. For in-patient treatment, we perform surgery or further examinations. We have also four research groups that emphasize Spine, Tumor, Rheumatology and Hand. Our department has aims to treat difficult cases through high quality techniques to develop new treatments by advanced research, and to contribute to orthopaedic medical environment in our districts.


Name Title・Positions Main Research Focus
Hirotaka HARO Professor Degeneraion mechamism of Intervertebral disc
Shiketo EBATA Associate Professor Improvement of spine surgrery
Takashi ANDO Senior Assistant Professor New treatment for tumours of soft tissue and bone
Nobutaka SATO Assistant Professor Repair mechamism of bone fracture
Jiro ICHIKAWA Assistant Professor New treatment for tumours of soft tissue and bone
Naofumi TANIGUCHI Assistant Professor New approch for hip joint surgrery
Tetsuro OHBA Assistant Professor New evaluation about adult Spinal Deformity
Kensuke KOYAMA Assistant Professor Inflammatory mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis
Masanori SAITO Assistant Professor New treatment for tumours of soft tissue and bone
Yoshihiro TAKAYAMA Clinical Assistant Professor Degeneraion of Intervertebral disc



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